
This statement is made pursuant to section 54 of the 2015年现代奴隶制法案.  It constitutes 美世(美世)有限 and its subsidiaries (Darwin Technologies Holdings Limited and Darwin Technologies Limited) (together “美世”) slavery and human trafficking statement in respect of the financial year ending 31 December 2021.


默瑟是沼泽的一部分 & 麦克伦南公司. (“马什McLennan”) group which is a global professional services firm offering clients’ advice and solutions in risk, 战略与人. 马什·麦克伦南集团大约有75个,全球约有13000名员工,在英国有380名员工.


美世, which is one of 马什McLennan´s main operating companies, 专门提供保健服务, 为客户提供财富和职业解决方案, 包括提供软件解决方案.  马什McLennan´s other main operating companies are 沼泽 and 沼泽 Commercial (insurance broking and risk management), 那个木匠, (再保险及资本策略), 奥纬咨询(战略), 经济与品牌咨询).


美世  uses a central procurement process operated by 马什McLennan which trades with in excess of 60,在82个不同的国家拥有超过5000家供应商.

As a professional services and software solutions provider, 美世 does not operate in an industry where modern slavery is prevalent but nevertheless is committed to taking steps to uncover any potential risks within its supply chain.


美世 has various policies in place which aim to minimise the risk of modern slavery or human trafficking, 并鼓励报告任何相关的问题, 包括:-

  • 健全的采购政策, In addition to the rigorous supplier assessment processes, including assessment of supplier modern slavery statements, 美世 has implemented an additional questionnaire focused on modern slavery activities/signals.  The questionnaire is deployed on a risk basis, according to the nature of services provided.

    Suppliers are required to report what steps they are taking regarding identifying the risk of modern slavery within their particular supply chain which will allow 美世 to better assess the potential risks of modern slavery in its own supply chain.

    美世 includes a specific requirement for compliance with modern slavery legislation in its standard terms and conditions and contracting agreements.

  • Vendor Management Programme and Policy defining managing Vendor Risk, 包括:-
    • 如何识别供应商风险
    • 如何降低供应商风险
    • 如何监控供应商风险
    • 向谁寻求帮助

  • 更大的利益, 马什·麦克伦南的行为准则, is a significant part of 美世's culture and makes clear that 美世 conducts business consistent with the highest ethical and professional standards and will not tolerate behaviour that deviates from those standards. Colleagues are expected to act with integrity, honesty, courage and promote mutual respect.

  • Speak Up Policy Respect and a culture of openness in the workplace is a key aspect of the 马什·麦克伦南的行为准则.  美世 encourages colleagues and other business partners to report any concerns, including any concerns relating to modern slavery or human trafficking.

    默瑟的发言程序,运用了道德规范 & Compliance Line (a service administered by third party) which makes reporting easy and confidential.


美世’s Modern Slavery Policy has been rolled out to all colleagues, 并纳入入职培训.  It includes information on who colleagues should contact should they have any concerns.

There is additional training for those colleagues most likely to interact with supply chains with a potentially higher risk of encountering modern slavery.

Colleagues are encouraged to report any concerns or suspicions regarding the presence of modern slavery within the supply chain.


美世 recognises that tackling modern slavery requires a continuing year-on-year commitment and will continue to undertake due diligence in our supply chain and review and improve procedures to help identify and prevent the risks of modern slavery or human trafficking.

本声明乃根据《vns85978威尼斯城官网》第54(1)条作出 2015年现代奴隶制法案 and has been approved by the Board of 美世(美世)有限 on 18th May 2022.
